Delete a Connector
You can delete a connector using the Fusion UI or the Blob Store API.
Deleting a connector using the Fusion UI
In the Fusion UI, navigate to System > Blobs.
Under Connector Plugin, select the connector to delete.
Click Delete Blob.
Fusion prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the blob.
Click Yes, Delete.
The connector disappears from the blob list.
Deleting a connector using the REST API
Get the list of blobs of the connector plugin type:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD http://localhost:8764/api/blobs?resourceType=plugin:connector
Locate the connector you want to delete, and copy its ID.
For example, the Jive connector ID is
:{ "name" : "lucid.jive", "contentType" : "application/zip", "size" : 125302, "modifiedTime" : "2017-06-13T17:49:20.171Z", "version" : 1570112704530612224, "md5" : "7032bf2c038bb2d1e27aee82c056c0fb", "metadata" : { "connectorBootstrapPluginName" : "lucid.jive", "resourceType" : "plugin:connector" } }
Delete the connector as follows:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X DELETE http://localhost:8764/api/blobs/<id>
For example
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X DELETE http://localhost:8764/api/blobs/lucid.jive
A null response indicates success. You can verify that the connector is deleted like this:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD http://localhost:8764/api/blobs | grep lucid.jive