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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Troubleshoot SharePoint Permissions

    The SharePoint connector retrieves content and metadata from an on-premises SharePoint repository.

    When the connector is configured using a SharePoint username without sufficient privileges, the Fusion connectors log file https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/var/log/connectors/connectors.log contains an error like the following:

    crawler.common.sharepoint.exception.SharePointException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. at crawler.common.sharepoint.service.BaseService.analyzeResponse( ~[classes/:?] at crawler.common.sharepoint.service.SiteDataService.getContentBySiteOrList( ~[classes/:?] at com.lucidworks.permissions.Main.test1( [classes/:?] at com.lucidworks.permissions.Main.main( [classes/:?]

    This user’s permissions may be sufficient to connect via SOAP and read the documents, but not sufficient to get the ACLs and other associated metadata. This may result in complete lack of access to documents, or access to unauthorized documents. Confirm that the configured SharePoint user has the required privileges.