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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Develop and Deploy a Machine Learning Model

    This tutorial walks you through deploying your own model to Fusion with Seldon Core.


    • A Fusion instance with an app and indexed data

    • An understanding of Python and the ability to write Python code

    • Docker installed locally, plus a private or public Docker repository

    • Seldon-core installed locally: pip install seldon-core

    • Code editor; you can use any editor, but Visual Studio Code is used in the example

    • Model: paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2 from Hugging Face

    • Docker image: example_sbert_model


    • Always test your Python code locally before uploading to Docker and then Fusion. This simplifies troubleshooting significantly.

    • Once you’ve created your Docker you can also test locally by doing docker run with a specified port, like 9000, which you can then curl to confirm functionality in Fusion. See the testing example below.

    Lucidworks offers free training to help you get started with Fusion. Check out the Intro to Machine Learning in Fusion course, which focuses on using machine learning to to infer the goals of customers and users in order to deliver a more sophisticated search experience:

    Intro to Machine Learning in Fusion

    Visit the LucidAcademy to see the full training catalog.

    Local testing example

    The examples in this section use the following models:

    • multilingual miniLM model

    • e5-model

      1. Docker command:

        docker run -p <your-docker-image>
      2. Curl to hit Docker:

        curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data": { "ndarray": ["Sentence to test"], "names":["text"]} }' https://localhost:9000/api/.0/predictions
      3. Curl model in Fusion:

        curl -u $FUSION_USER:$FUSION_PASSWORD -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"text": "i love fusion"}' https://<your-fusion><your-model>/prediction
      4. See all your deployed models:


    1. Download the model

    This tutorial uses the paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2 model from Hugging Face, but any pre-trained model from will work with this tutorial.

    If you want to use your own model instead, you can do so, but your model must have been trained and then saved though a function similar to the PyTorch’s, PATH) function. See Saving and Loading Models in the PyTorch documentation.

    2. Format a Python class

    The next step is to format a Python class which will be invoked by Fusion to get the results from your model. The skeleton below represents the format that you should follow. See also Packaging a Python model for Seldon Core using Docker in the Seldon Core documentation.

    class MyModel(object):
        Model template. You can load your model parameters in __init__ from a
        location accessible at runtime
        def __init__(self):
            Add any initialization parameters. These will be passed at runtime
            from the graph definition parameters defined in your seldondeployment
            kubernetes resource manifest.
        def predict(self,X,features_names,**kwargs):
            Return a prediction.
            X : array-like
            feature_names : array of feature names (optional)
            print("Predict called - will run identity function")
            return X
        def  class_names(self):
            return ["X_name"]

    A real instance of this class with the Paraphrase Multilingual MiniLM L12 v2 model is as follows:

    import logging
    import os
    from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
    from torch.nn import functional as F
    from typing import Iterable
    import numpy as np
    import torch
    log = logging.getLogger()
    class mini():
        def __init__(self):
            self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2')
            self.model= AutoModel.from_pretrained('sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2')
        #Mean Pooling
        def mean_pooling(self, model_output, attention_mask):
            token_embeddings = model_output[0] #First element of model_output contains all token embeddings
            input_mask_expanded = attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(token_embeddings.size()).float()
            return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp(input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9)
        def predict(self, X:np.ndarray, names=None, **kwargs):
            #   In Fusion there are several variables passed in the numpy array with the Milvus Query stage,
            #   Encode to Milvus index stage, and Vectorize Seldon index and query stage:
            #   [pipeline, bool, and text]. Text is what variable will be encoded, so that is what will be set to 'text'
            #   When using the Machine Learning stage, the input map keys should match what what is in this file.
            model_input = dict(zip(names, X))
            text = model_input["text"]
            with torch.inference_mode(): # Allows torch to run more quickly
              # Tokenize sentences
              encoded_input = self.tokenizer(text, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt')
              log.debug('encoded input',str(encoded_input))
              model_output = self.model(**encoded_input)
              log.debug('model output',str(model_output))
              # Perform pooling. In this case, max pooling.
              sentence_embeddings = self.mean_pooling(model_output, encoded_input['attention_mask'])
              # Normalize embeddings, because Fusion likes it that way.
              sentence_embeddings = F.normalize(sentence_embeddings, p=2, dim=-1)
              # Fixing the shape of the emebbedings to match (1, 384).
              final = [sentence_embeddings.squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy().tolist()]
            return final
        def class_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
            return ["vector"]

    In the above code, an additional function has been added in the class; this is completely fine to do. Logging has also been added for debugging purposes.

    Two functions are non-negotiable:

    • init

      The init function is where models, tokenizers, vectorizers, and the like should be set to self for invoking. It is recommended that you include your model’s trained parameters directly into the Docker container rather than reaching out to external storage inside init.

    • predict

      The predict function processes the field or query that Fusion passes to the model. The predict function must be able to handle any text processing needed for the model to accept input invoked in its model.evaluate(), model.predict(), or equivalent function to get the expected model result.

      If the output needs additional manipulation, that should be done before the result is returned. For embedding models the return value must have the shape of (1, DIM), where DIM (dimension) is a consistent integer, to enable Fusion to handle the vector encoding into Milvus or Solr.

    Use the exact name of the class when naming this file. For the example, above the Python file is named and the class name is mini().

    3. Create a Dockerfile

    The next step is to create a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile should follow this general outline; read the comments for additional details:

    #It is important that python version is 3.x-slim for seldon-core
    FROM python:3.9-slim
    # Whatever directory(folder)the python file for your python class, Dockerfile, and
    # requirements.txt is in should be copied then denoted as the work directory.
    COPY . /app
    WORKDIR /app
    # The requirements file for the Docker container
    COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
    RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
    # Copy source code
    COPY . .
    # GRPC - Allows Fusion to do a Remote Procedure Call
    EXPOSE 5000
    # Define environment variable for seldon-core
    # !!!MODEL_NAME must be the EXACT same as the python file & python class name!!!
    # Changing active directory folder (same one as above on lines 5 & 6) to default user, required for Fusion
    RUN chown -R 8888 /app
    # Command to wrap python class with seldon-core to allow it to be usable in Fusion
    CMD ["sh", "-c", "seldon-core-microservice $MODEL_NAME --service-type $SERVICE_TYPE --persistence $PERSISTENCE"]
    # You can use the following if You need shell features like environment variable expansion or
    # You need to use shell constructs like pipes, redirects, etc.
    # See for more details.
    # CMD exec seldon-core-microservice $MODEL_NAME --service-type $SERVICE_TYPE --persistence $PERSISTENCE

    4. Create a requirements file

    The requirements.txt file is a list of installs for the Dockerfile to run to ensure the Docker container has the right resources to run the model. For the Paraphrase Mulitilingual MiniLM L12 v2 model, the requirements are as follows:


    In general, if an item was used in an import statement in your Python file, it should be included in the requirements file.

    An easy way to populate the requirements is by using in the following command in the terminal, inside the directory that contains your code:

    pip freeze > requirements.txt
    If you use pip freeze, you must manually add seldon-core to the requirements file because it is not invoked in the Python file but is required for containerization.

    5. Build and push the Docker image

    After creating the <your_model>.py, Dockerfile, and requirements.txt files, you need to run a few Docker commands. Run the commands below in order:


    Using the example model, the terminal commands would be as follows:

    DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 docker build . -t jstrmec/example_sbert_model:0.14; docker push jstrmec/example_sbert_model:0.14

    This repository is public and you can visit it here:

    6. Deploy the model in Fusion

    Now you can go to Fusion to deploy your model.

    1. In Fusion, navigate to Collections > Jobs.

    2. Add a job by clicking the Add+ Button and selecting Create Seldon Core Model Deployment.

    3. Fill in each of the text fields:

      Create a Seldon Core model deployment job

      Parameter Description

      Job ID

      A string used by the Fusion API to reference the job after its creation.

      Model name

      A name for the deployed model. This is used to generate the deployment name in Seldon Core. It is also the name that you reference as a model-id when making predictions with the ML Service.

      Model replicas

      The number of load-balanced replicas of the model to deploy; specify multiple replicas for a higher-volume intake.

      Docker Repository

      The public or private repository where the Docker image is located. If you’re using Docker Hub, fill in the Docker Hub username here.

      Image name

      The name of the image with an optional tag. If no tag is given, latest is used.

      Kubernetes secret

      If you’re using a private repository, supply the name of the Kubernetes secret used for access.

      Output columns

      A list of column names that the model’s predict method returns.

    4. Click Save, then Run and Start.

      Start a Seldon Core model deployment job

      When the job finishes successfully, you can proceed to the next section.

    Now that the model is in Fusion, it can be utilized in either index or query pipelines, depending on the model’s purpose. In this case the model is a word vectorizer or semantic vector search implementation, so both pipelines must invoke the model.

    7. Apply an API key to the deployment

    These steps are only needed if your model utilizes any kind of secret, such as an API key. If not, skip this section and proceed to the next.

    1. Create and modify an <seldon_model_name>_sdep.yaml file.

      In the first line, kubectl get sdep gets the details for the currently running Seldon Deployment job and saves those details to a YAML file. kubectl apply -f open_sdep.yaml adds the key to the Seldon Deployment job the next time it launches.

      kubectl get sdep <seldon_model_name> -o yaml > <seldon_model_name>_sdep.yaml
      # Modify <seldon_model_name>_sdep.yaml to add
              - env:
                - name: API_KEY
                  value: "your-api-key-here"
      kubectl apply -f <seldon_model_name>_sdep.yaml
    2. Delete sdep before redeploying the model. The currently running Seldon Deployment job does not have the key applied to it. Delete it before redeploying and the new job will have the key.

      kubectl delete sdep <seldon_model_name>
    3. Lastly, you can encode into Milvus.

    8. Create a Milvus collection

    1. In Fusion, navigate to Collections > Jobs.

    2. Click the Add+ Button and select Create Collections in Milvus.

      This job creates a collection in Milvus for storing the vectors sent to it. The job is needed because a collection does not automatically spawn at indexing or query time if it does not already exist.

    3. Name the job and the collection.

    4. Click Add on the right side of the job panel.

      The key to creating the collection is the Dimension text field; this must exactly match the shape value your output prediction has. In our example the shape is (1,384), so 384 will be in the collections Dimension field:

      Create a Milvus collection

      The Metric field should typically be left at the default of Inner Product, but this also depends on use case and model type.

    5. Click Save, then Run and Start.

    9. Configure the Fusion pipelines

    Your real-world pipeline configuration depends on your use case and model, but for our example we will configure the index pipeline and then the query pipeline.

    Configure the index pipeline
    1. Create a new index pipeline or load an existing one for editing.

    2. Click Add a Stage and then Encode to Milvus.

    3. In the new stage, fill in these fields:

      • The name of your model

      • The output name you have for your model job

      • The field you’d like to encode

      • The collection name

    4. Save the stage in the pipeline and index your data with it.

    Configure the query pipeline
    1. Create a new query pipeline or load an existing one for editing.

    2. Click Add a Stage and then Milvus Query.

    3. Fill in the configuration fields, then save the stage.

    4. Add a Milvus Ensemble Query stage.

      This stage is necessary to have the Milvus collection scores taken into account in ranking and to weight multiple collections. The Milvus Results Context Key from the Milvus Query Stage is used in this stage to preform math on the Milvus result scores. One (1) is a typical multiplier for the Milvus results but any number can be used.

    5. Save the stage and then run a query by typing a search term.

    6. To verify the Milvus results are correct, use the Compare+ button to see another pipeline without the model implementation and compare the number of results.

    You have now successfully uploaded a Seldon Core model to Fusion and deployed it.