LWAI PredictionQuery pipeline stage configuration specifications
To use this stage, non-admin Fusion users must be granted the PUT,POST,GET:/LWAI-ACCOUNT-NAME/**
permission in Fusion, which is the Lucidworks AI API Account Name defined in Lucidworks AI Gateway when this stage is configured.
When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.
General purpose integration between Fusion and Lucidworks AI.
skip - boolean
Set to true to skip this stage.
Default: false
label - string
A unique label for this stage.
<= 255 characters
condition - string
Define a conditional script that must result in true or false. This can be used to determine if the stage should process or not.
accountName - stringrequired
Lucidworks AI integration name as defined by your Fusion Administrator. This entry should match the account name set in the LWAI Gateway.
useCase - stringrequired
Lucidworks AI Use Case as defined in documentation
modelName - stringrequired
Lucidworks AI Model as defined in documentation
inputContextVariable - stringrequired
Name of the variable in context to be used as input. Supports template expressions.
outputContextVariable - string
The name here is used to populate two things with the prediction results: 1) A query response header with this name, and 2) A context variable with this name that will contain the prediction.
includeResponseDocs - boolean
Flag to indicate whether response documents should be included in the Lucidworks AI request. Note: Only for use cases such as RAG that accept multiple documents. Note: Only makes sense after Solr Query stage when there are response docs.
Default: false
fieldMappings - array[object]
Only needed/used for 'rag' use case. Maps fields from the input documents to the fields expected by the Lucidworks AI RAG use case. Required LW AI fields are: body and source. Optional fields are title and date. If not provided, the default field mappings will be used.
Default: {"key":"title","value":"title_t"}{"key":"body","value":"description_t"}{"key":"source","value":"link_t"}{"key":"date","value":"_lw_file_modified_tdt"}
object attributes:{key
required : {
display name: LW AI Document Field Name
type: string
required : {
display name: Response Document Field Name
type: string
useCaseConfig - array[object]
Additional Use Case keys and values to be sent to Lucidworks AI
object attributes:{key
required : {
display name: Parameter Name
type: string
: {
display name: Parameter Value
type: string
modelConfig - array[object]
Additional Model configuration parameters to be sent to Lucidworks AI
object attributes:{key
required : {
display name: Parameter Name
type: string
: {
display name: Parameter Value
type: string
modelIsInternal - boolean
apiKey - string
Secret associated with the model. For example, for OpenAI models, the value would start with 'sk-'.
failOnError - boolean
Flag to indicate if this stage should throw an exception if an error occurs.
Default: false