Apache Tika Parser
Deprecation and removal notice
This parser is deprecated as of Fusion 5.8.0 and is expected to be removed in a later version. Use the asynchronous Tika parsing method instead. For more information, see Asynchronous Tika Parsing.
Apache Tika is a versatile parser that supports many types of unstructured document formats, such as HTML, PDF, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, RTF, audio, video, images, and more. A complete list of supported formats is available at Apache Tika.
To perform image text extraction when Include images is enabled, install Tesseract in the server hosting Fusion.
This stage is not compatible with asynchronous Tika parsing.
When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.
Parse Office documents (ppt/docx/pdf), HTML files, images (jpeg/tiff), and more. See "Supported Formats" at https://tika.apache.org/ for a full list. This stage is deprecated. Use 'Apache Tika Container Parser' instead. This stage doesn't work with async-parsing.
id - string
Default: 9a82fb84-6f67-4ef7-897f-02fb38d51d39
label - string
A label for this Parser Stage
<= 255 characters
enabled - boolean
Default: true
mediaTypes - array[string]
Documents with a media type on this list will be matched by this parser stage. See inheritMediaTypes / use default media types for more.
inheritMediaTypes - boolean
Each parser stage has a built-in list of media types it handles by default. If this setting is true, that list will be used along with any optional additional types provided in the mediaTypes list. If this setting is false, this stage will only be selected for media types in the mediaTypes list, and the mediaTypes list becomes a mandatory property which must have at least one valid media type.
Default: true
ignoredMediaTypes - array[string]
Documents with a media type on this list will be not be processed by this parser stage.
pathPatterns - array[object]
Specify a file name or pattern that must be matched for this parser stage to run. Forward slashes ("/") are used to join names of files inside archives with the archive name.
object attributes:{syntax
: {
display name: Pattern type
type: string
: {
display name: File name or pattern
type: string
errorHandling - string
Default: mark
Allowed values: ignorelogfailmark
outputFieldPrefix - string
Fields extracted by this parser will be prefixed with this string. The remainder of the field name will be as detected in the stream
<= 20 characters
Match pattern: ^$|^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+$
includeImages - boolean
Default: false
flattenCompound - boolean
Default: false
addFailedDocs - boolean
Default: false
addOriginalContent - boolean
Default: false
contentEncoding - string
Default: binary
Allowed values: binarybase64
returnXml - boolean
Default: false
keepOriginalStructure - boolean
Default: false
extractHtmlLinks - boolean
Collect links explicitly declared in document structure (e.g. using HTML tags, bookmarks, etc)
Default: true
extractOtherLinks - boolean
Use regex-based heuristic extractor to collect likely links from plain text content in all fields.
Default: false
excludeContentTypes - array[string]
List of content types to exclude from parsing
zipBombCompressionRatio - integer
Maximum number of output bytes fusion will generate per input byte. If you are indexing highly compressed files, you may increase this value to avoid triggering 'Zip Bomb' detection
Default: 200
zipBombMaxDepth - integer
Returns the maximum XML element nesting level. If you are indexing highly nested files, you may increase this value to avoid triggering 'Zip Bomb' detection
Default: 200
zipBombMaxPackageEntryDepth - integer
Sets the maximum package entry nesting level. If you are indexing highly nested files, you may increase this value to avoid triggering 'Zip Bomb' detection
Default: 20
type - stringrequired
Default: tika
Allowed values: tika