Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Query Profiles APIFusion Query APIs

    The Query Profiles API, formerly known as the Query API, is used to send queries to a query profile.

    You can run a query through a query profile by specifying the profile ID and appending the request with a Solr query string, as in /api/query/<id>?<solrQuery>.

    For query profile CRUD operations, see the Query Profiles CRUD API.

    You can use the Query Profiles CRUD API to find the profile ID that you want to use with the Query Profiles API:

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/query-profiles

    Examples to retrieve query results

    To retrieve query results, a simple query is sent to a profile ID using a question mark (?) as the query string separator, followed by the query term as indicated to Solr as q.


    This request sends comedy as a query to a profile that is set up with a movies collection.

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/query/PROFILE_ID?q=comedy


    The response here is truncated due to length. Ellipses (…​) were used to show where additional information might be seen.

    {  "response": {"docs": [
          { "...
            "_lw_data_source_collection_s": " PROFILE_ID",
            "title_t": "Original Kings of Comedy, The (2000)",
            "_lw_pipeline_ss": ["PIPELINE_ID"],
            "genres_t": "Comedy|Documentary",
          { "...
            "_lw_data_source_collection_s": " PROFILE_ID ",
            "title_t": "Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie (2003)",
            "_lw_pipeline_ss": ["PIPELINE_ID"],
            "genres_t": "Comedy|Documentary",

    You can use multiple words in a query:


    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/query/PROFILE_ID?q=kings%20of


    {  "response": {"docs": [
            "title_t": "Original Kings of Comedy, The (2000)",
            "title_t": "Kings of Summer, The (2013)",

    For a specific match, use double quotes () around the query:

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/query/PROFILE_ID?q="Kings%20of%20Comedy"