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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Response Processors

    The articles in this section describe response processors.

    Field response processors include ones to perform these operations:

    • Capitalize the display value of the given field names.

    • Add Highlighting to Fields.

    • Tag a document with classifications based on field values.

    • Format a date object, replacing the original date value with another.

    • Parse dates out of field values.

    • Set the value of a field that is missing a value, based on the value of a different field.

    • Parse the String value of the specified fields into an Object representation.

    • Create a multivalued field from a single field value by using a separator.

    • Extract the hostname from URLs and place it in a field named 'site'.

    • Process fully qualified URLs in field values and markup, and add anchor tags for active links in the display values.

    • Statically add metadata to documents that match a given regular expression.

    • Replace field values (actual, display, or both) that are HTML or URL encoded with decoded values.

    • Replace field values (actual, display, or both) that match a given regular expression with a different value.

    • Make Twitter users and hashtags clickable in the display value.

    • Duplicate a field, creating two separate instances.

    • Create a new field by joining multiple existing fields using a pattern expression.

    • Localize the values of a field using a specified bundle.

    Filter response processors include ones to perform these operations:

    • Capitalize the display value of the given filter.

    • Parse dates out of facet filter values.

    • Sort facet filters by count.

    • Sort facet filters by actual value.

    • Replace display values in FacetFilters for specified or all Facets.

    • Retrieve other filter values for the same facet, despite there being one or more filters for that facet already applied.

    • Remove facet filters that match a regular expression pattern from a facet.

    • Replace filter values (actual, display, or both) that match a given regular expression with a different value.

    • (Since 4.2.0) Dynamically format the display value of a date range facet according to the size of the range.

    Facet response processors include ones to perform these operations:

    • Duplicate a facet.

    • Create facets.

    • Fill in date filters for a facet.

    • Parse and formatting filter values from one Date format to another.

    • Create a pseudo date facet.

    • Set or changing Parameters for a facet.

    • Sort facets based on various properties and parameters.

    • Process facet filter values formatted as paths to represent them as hierarchical trees.

    • Remove facets from a Response.

    • Create pseudo facets based on values in a given field or fields.

    • Process hierarchical facets so that only one level is rendered at a time.

    • Define a pseudo facet from a list of facets in the response.

    General response processors include ones to perform these operations:

    • Perform a left join on fields.

    • Log response metadata and attributes to log4j.

    • Group results by a given Field value.