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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Solr collections

    ConfigSync offers a streamlined way to handle Solr collections directly from your repository. Here’s a practical guide on creating, modifying, and potentially deleting Solr collections through ConfigSync.

    Configuration storage

    Store your Solr collection configurations in the _lw_system/solr-collections directory within your repository.

    Creating Solr collections


    The JSON file for a Solr collection should follow the Solr V2 API format as detailed in the Solr Guide for Collection Management.


    Here’s a sample JSON configuration for creating a Solr collection with an alias:

      "pullReplicas" : "0",
      "replicationFactor" : "1",
      "router" : {
        "name" : "compositeId"
      "maxShardsPerNode" : "1",
      "autoAddReplicas" : "false",
      "nrtReplicas" : "1",
      "tlogReplicas" : "0",
      "name" : "collection_live",
      "numShards" : 1,
      "alias" : "solr_collection_b",
      "config" : "RH"

    Alias creation

    If an alias is specified in the JSON, ConfigSync also creates this alias alongside the collection.

    Modifying Solr collections

    Modification constraints

    While it’s possible to modify the Solr collection JSON file, only certain properties can be changed as per the Solr Guide for Modifying Collections.

    Properties you can modify

    These include alias, config, replicationFactor, maxShardsPerNode, readOnly, perReplicaState, and autoAddReplicas.

    Alias modification/deletion

    Modifying the collection configuration can also modify or delete an existing alias, if specified.

    Deleting Solr collections

    Safety first

    By default, ConfigSync is designed not to delete Solr collections to prevent accidental data loss.

    Force deletion

    If you’re certain about your action, you can force delete a Solr collection by prefixing your commit message with force:<MESSAGE> when you remove collection files from the repo. This action can also remove any specified alias.