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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Time Series (date_format)

    Fusion SQL provides a powerful and flexible time series aggregation query through the use of the date_format function. Aggregations that group by a date_format are translated to a Solr range facet query. This allows for fast, interactive time series reporting over large data sets.

    An example of a time series aggregation is shown below:

    select date_format(rec_time, 'yyyy-MM') as month, count(*) as cnt
    from logrecords where rec_time > '2000-01-01' and rec_time < '2010-01-01'
    group by month

    The date_format function is used to specify both the output format and the time interval in one compact pattern as specified by the Java SimpleDateFormat class.

    The example above is performing a monthly time series aggregation over the rec_time field which is a datetime field.

    To switch to a daily time series aggregation all that is needed is to change the date pattern:

    select date_format(rec_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') as day, count(*) as cnt
    from logrecords where rec_time > '2000-01-01' and rec_time < '2000-12-31'
    group by day

    Interval Gap

    The interval gap can be defined with the optional gap parameter. If the gap parameter is not defined it is inferred from the date format string. For example the date format string 'yyyy-MM' will have an inferred gap of 1MONTH.

    To specify a custom gap you can add the gap parameter to the date format string as follows:

    select date_format(rec_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd gap=2DAYS') as day, count(*) as cnt
    from logrecords where rec_time > '2000-01-01' and rec_time < '2000-12-31'
    group by day

    The time series above will compute a time series with 2 day intervals between buckets.

    Interval gaps can be specified for: YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES and SECONDS.

    Date math predicates

    Fusion SQL also supports date math predicates through the date_add, date_sub, and current_date functions.

    Below is an example of the use of date math predicates.

    select date_format(rec_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd gap=3DAYS') as day, count(*) as cnt
    from logrecords where rec_time > date_sub(current_date(), 30)
    group by day

    Auto-filling of time intervals

    Fusion SQL automatically fills any time interval that does not contain data with zeroes. This ensures that the full time range is included in the output which makes the time series results easy to visualize in charts.

    Sort Order

    Time series aggregations are sorted by default in time ascending order. The ORDER BY clause can be used to sort time series aggregation results in a different order.

    Having Clause

    A HAVING clause can also be applied to a time series query to limit the results to rows that meet specific criteria.