Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Significant Terms (significant_terms)

    The significant_terms function finds anomaly terms in a text or string field that appear more frequently in a search result set than the entire index.

    The significant_terms function takes four parameters:

    1. The string or text field in which to find the terms.

    2. The minimum term length to be considered a significant term.

    3. The minimum document frequency for a term to be considered a significant term. If greater than one, this value is treated as an absolute number of documents. If the value is a float between 0 and 1, it is considered to be a percentage of total documents.

    4. The maximum document frequency for a term to be considered a significant term. If greater than one, this value is treated as an absolute number of documents. If the value is a float between 0 and 1, it is considered to be a percentage of total documents.

    Sample syntax

    select significant_terms(complaint_type_s, 5, 1, .5) as term,
    from nyc311
           where borough_s = 'MANHATTAN'
    limit 10

    Result set

    The result set for the significant_terms function contains one row for each significant term. The significant_terms function returns the value of the term. There are three additional fields available when the significant_terms function is used:

    • The foreground field returns the number of documents that contain the term within the result set.

    • The background field returns the number of documents that contain the term in the entire index.

    • The score field returns the score for the field which is calculated based on the background and foreground counts. Terms are returned in score descending order.

    Sample result set in Apache Zeppelin

    Sample result set


    The significant_terms result is shown below visualized in an Apache Zeppelin bubble chart. In the bubble chart, the:

    • Background counts are plotted on the x-axis

    • Foreground counts are plotted on the y-axis

    • Bubble size is determined by the score

    • Term is displayed in the color coded legend

    The bubble chart displays how many documents contain a term, both in the entire index and in the query result set, and how it influences the score.

    Sample visualization