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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9


    The ttest function performs a two sided t-test on two random samples drawn from two queries. The ttest function takes four parameters:

    1. The numeric field on which to perform the t-test

    2. The query for drawing the first sample

    3. The query for drawing the second sample

    4. The sample size for both samples

    Sample syntax

    select ttest(sepal_width_d, "species_s:versicolor", "species_s:virginica", 150) as t,
    from iris

    Result set

    The result set for the ttest function contains one row with the results of the ttest. The ttest function returns the t statistic. The p_value field can be selected to return the p-value for the ttest.

    Sample result set in Apache Zeppelin:

    Sample result


    Sample visualization of the ttest function using the Apache Zeppelin number visualization:

    Sample visualization