Product Selector

Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    Fusion SQL Search

    Table of Contents


    The WHERE and ORDER BY clauses can be used to search and sort results using the underlying search engine. The score (lower case) keyword can be used to sort by the relevance score of a full text query.

    An example of a query that uses the score keyword is below:

    select id, title, score from books where abstract = 'hello world' order by score desc


    Search predicates are specified in the WHERE clause. Search predicates on text fields will perform full text searches. Search predicates on string fields will perform exact matches unless the LIKE expression is used.

    By default all multi-term predicates are sent to the search engine as phrase queries. In the example above 'hello world' is searched as a phrase query.

    To stop the auto-phrasing of multi-term predicates wrap parenthesis around the terms. For example:

    select id, title, score from books where abstract = '(hello world)' order by score desc

    In the example above the '(hello world)' search predicate will be sent to the search engine without phrasing and perform the query hello OR world

    When parentheses are used the search expression is sent to Solr unchanged. This allows for richer search predicates such as proximity search.

    The example below performs a proximity search:

    select id, title, score from books where abstract = '("hello world"~4)' order by score desc

    Lucene/Solr wildcards can be sent to the search engine directly using this syntax:

    select id, title from books where abstract = '(he?lo)'

    The LIKE clause can be used to perform wildcard searches with either the Solr wildcard symbol * or the SQL wildcard symbol %.

    When using the traditional SQL % wildcard only leading and trailing wildcards are supported. Use Lucene/Solr wildcards as described above for more complex wildcards.

    The example below shows a LIKE query with a trailing % wildcard.

    select id, title from books where abstract like 'worl%'

    The following operators are supported for numeric and datetime predicates: <, >, >=, <=, =, !=.

    Both the IN and BETWEEN clauses can be used to specify predicates.

    Boolean predicates can be used and are translated to boolean search queries.

    The example below specifies a boolean query:

    select id from products where prod_desc = 'bike' and price < 125 order by price asc


    Numeric, datetime and string fields can be sorted on using the ORDER BY clause. The sort is pushed down to the search engine for optimal performance. Multiple sorts can be specified using the standard SQL sytnax.

    The example below sorts on a numeric field:

    select id, prod_name, price_f from products where prod_desc = 'bike' order by price_f desc