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Fusion 5.9
    Fusion 5.9

    ZooKeeper Import/Export APIFusion Admin APIs

    Apache ZooKeeper is a distributed configuration service, synchronization service, and naming registry. Fusion uses ZooKeeper to configure and manage all Fusion components in a single Fusion deployment.

    The ZooKeeper Import/Export API provides methods to upload or download information from Fusion’s ZooKeeper service. This service provides an alternative to the ZooKeeper clients and zk-shell which are part of the Apache Zookeeper distribution included as part of the Fusion distribution.

    The ZKImportExport service may be used to export ZooKeeper data for any Fusion release. It can be used to import configuration data into the ZooKeeper service for a new or existing Fusion deployment.

    The REST API only supports requests to export ZooKeeper configurations. The Fusion distribution includes a utility script which can be used to import ZooKeeper configuration as well as to export it from arbitrary Fusion instances.

    For more information, view the API specification.

    See the official ZooKeeper documentation for details about using and managing a ZooKeeper service.

    Utility script

    This script is located in the top-level Fusion scripts directory. The script takes the following command-line arguments:

    -c,--cmd <arg>        Command, one of: 'export', 'import', 'update', 'delete'.
    -e,--encode <arg>     Type of encoding for znodes. Valid options:
                           'none', 'utf-8', 'base64', default is 'base64'.
                           Option 'none' will not return any data from the znodes.
    -ep,--exclude <arg>   Exclude znode paths, followed by list of paths.
                          Can only be used to exclude nodes one level below the root node.
    -eph,--ephemeral      Include ephemeral nodes while exporting znodes, boolean, default false.
    -f,--filename <arg>   Name of file containing import/export data.
    -h,--help             Display help page.
    -ip,--include <arg>   Include znode paths to include, followed by a list of paths.
                          Can only be used to include nodes one level below the root node.
    -nr,--non-recursive   Do not perform recursive operations on znodes.
    -o,--overwrite        Overwrite data for existing znodes. Valid only with 'update' command.
    -p,--path <arg>       Path from ZooKeeper root node, e.g. '/lucid/query-pipelines'.
    -r,--recursive        Perform recursive operations on znodes.
    -z,--zkhost <arg>     ZooKeeper Connect string, required.

    Required arguments are: * -c, --cmd : operation to perform. * -z, --zkhost : the ZooKeeper Connect string.


    Export all data from a local single-node ZooKeeper service, save data to a file: -zkhost FUSION_HOST:9983 -cmd export -path / -filename znode_dump.json

    Export all Fusion configurations from a local single-node ZooKeeper service, save data to a file: -zkhost FUSION_HOST:9983 -cmd export -path /lucid -filename znode_lucid_dump.json

    Export Fusion user databases, groups, roles, and realms configurations from a local single-node ZooKeeper service, save data to a file: -zkhost FUSION_HOST:9983 -cmd export -path /lucid-apollo-admin -filename znode_lucid_admin_dump.json

    Initial import of saved Fusion configuration into a new ZooKeeper: -zkhost FUSION_HOST:9983 -cmd import -filename znode_lucid_dump.json

    Note that the above command will fail if there is conflict between existing znode structures or contents between the ZooKeeper service and the dump file.

    Update information for Fusion’s ZooKeeper service: -zkhost FUSION_HOST:9983 -cmd update -filename znode_lucid_dump.json

    Remove a znode from Fusion’s ZooKeeper service: -zkhost FUSION_HOST:9983 -cmd delete -path /lucid/test

    Fusion REST API service ZKImportExport

    The Fusion REST API can only be used to download information from ZooKeeper, via the 'GET' method with the following configuration:

      "zk-import-export::v1" : {
        "name" : "com.lucidworks.apollo.resources.ZKImportExportResource",
        "uri" : "/zk/export",
        "methods" : [ {
          "uri" : "/zk/export/{path:.*}",
          "name" : "getNodeInfo",
          "verb" : "GET",
          "pathParams" : [ {
            "name" : "path",
            "type" : "String"
          } ],
          "queryParams" : [ {
            "name" : "recursive",
            "type" : "Boolean"
          }, {
            "name" : "excludePaths",
            "type" : "List"
          }, {
            "name" : "includePaths",
            "type" : "List"
          }, {
            "name" : "encodeValues",
            "type" : "String"
          } ],
          "hasEntity" : false
        } ]

    GET data from path `/lucid/query-pipelines`

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X GET https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/zk/export/lucid/query-pipelines
      "path" : "/lucid/query-pipelines",
      "children" : [ {
        "path" : "/lucid/query-pipelines/default",
      } ],
      "data" : ""

    Get info for node /lucid/query-pipelines. Do not expand the znodes

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X GET https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/zk/export/lucid/query-pipelines?recursive=true&encodeValues=none
      "path" : "/lucid/query-pipelines",
      "children" : [ {
        "path" : "/lucid/query-pipelines/default"
      } ]

    Get info for node /lucid/query-pipelines. encode in `utf-8`

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X GET https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/zk/export/lucid/query-pipelines?recursive=true&encodeValues=utf-8
      "path" : "/lucid/query-pipelines",
      "children" : [ {
        "path" : "/lucid/query-pipelines/default",
        "data" : "{\n  \"id\" : \"default\",\n  \"stages\" : [ {\n    \"type\" : \"search-fields\",\n    \"id\" : \"3756b5d7-cc00-4002-bb9d-54364875c282\",\n    \"rows\" : 10,\n    \"start\" : 0,\n    \"skip\" : false,\n    \"label\" : \"search-fields\",\n    \"type\" : \"search-fields\"\n  }, {\n    \"type\" : \"facet\",\n    \"id\" : \"711fec56-734f-4ba0-9f55-0e48be659e3e\",\n    \"skip\" : false,\n    \"label\" : \"facet\",\n    \"type\" : \"facet\"\n  }, {\n    \"type\" : \"solr-query\",\n    \"id\" : \"60455b56-7d7c-46cb-b7d3-219e57e71cc3\",\n    \"httpMethod\" : \"POST\",\n    \"skip\" : false,\n    \"label\" : \"solr-query\",\n    \"type\" : \"solr-query\"\n  } ]\n}"
      } ],
      "data" : ""

    Get info for node /lucid/query-pipelines. Exclude path `/lucid/query-pipelines/default`

    curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X GET https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/zk/export/lucid/query-pipelines?recursive=true&encodeValues=utf-8&excludePaths=/lucid/query-piplines/default
      "path" : "/lucid/query-pipelines",
      "data" : ""