Class QueryTreeAction

  • public class QueryTreeAction
    extends java.lang.Object
    Identifies what should be done at a particular node of the query tree, while walking it.
    • Method Detail

      • keep

        public static QueryTreeAction keep()
        Do not modify the current node, but possibly modify its children (if any). If this node returns isEmptyQuery() after processing children, this node itself will be removed from the query tree.
      • replace

        public static QueryTreeAction replace​(Query replacement)
        Replace the current node with the provided replacement. It's allowed to use a modified version of this query as the replacement rather than allocating and using a new instance of the query as the replacement. This will behave like keep() (this node's children will be processed) if the replacement is the same instance as the original node. It will simply replace and NOT process the children if the replacement is a different instance (this is to prevent risk of accidental infinite recursion or double-visiting). If the provided replacement has isEmptyQuery=true, this node will simply be removed from the query tree instead (just like remove()). This is to prevent accidentaly leaving an empty "do nothing" query in the tree.
      • getReplacement

        public Query getReplacement()
        null unless action = REPLACE