Product Selector

Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Product Data Requirements

    Your product data is your main content catalog, whether it’s your product catalog, your organization’s knowledge base, or any other searchable body of content.

    Required fields

    • Product ID

    • A short product description

    Additional fields containing descriptive attributes can also be included. Consult with Lucidworks for guidance.

    The product ID

    Send the product ID field from your product catalog as-is. Never Null returns this value in search results for integration with your platform.

    The product ID field should also be the same one tracked in your signals.

    Product description guidelines

    The contents of your product description generally include your searchable fields. Usually, this means you need to combine multiple fields from your data into one aggregated description field for Never Null.

    The exact fields depend on the market in which your organization operates, such as apparel, consumer electronics, and so on. For example, searchable fields for apparel may include size, color, activity, and fiber, whereas a consumer electronics catalog uses an entirely different set of fields to describe its products.

    Generally, you should omit the long description field in order to reduce noise. Never Null provides the best results when the product description is short and contains only the essential terms describing the product, without extraneous verbiage. Consult with Lucidworks for guidance based on your unique product catalog.

    Supported formats

    Example TSV data
    product_id_s description_t


    Lightweight Travel Twill cotton men’s pant.


    Lightweight Work A tough cotton women’s pant that repels water.


    Stretch T-Shirts Short Sleeve Moisture Wicking Casual v-neck with UPF 15 sun protection.

    Next steps