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Fusion 5.12
    Fusion 5.12

    Appkit SDK 4.8.0 Release Notes

    Table of Contents

    Release date: 10 January 2020

    New features

    • It is now possible to map a user’s LDAP roles to the application user’s group. This differs from the previous implementation to the AD pre-authorization filter, in that it reads the groups directly from the user object instead of querying for AD groups that the user belongs to.

      To enable this filter, add a configuration file under conf/security/ldap/provider.conf with the following parameters:

      enabled: true
      user: #Service account used to connect to LDAP.
      password: #Password for the service account. This can be encrypted using the twigcrypt binary.
      url: #Full URL to the LDAP server.
      user-search-base: #LDAP search base to restricted the search to.
      user-search-filter: #LDAP search filter to restrict the LDAP search.


    • It is now possible to use basic authentication against a Solr cloud platform using the parameters userName and password in the platform configuration.

    • The value of a highlighted field is now stored as the "display" field value, rather than replacing the original "actual" field value.

    • UTC dates sent from the browser are now retained as UTC when passed to Solr.

    Bug Fixes

    • All Solr Stats components are now mapped to the Appkit response object. See The Stats Compnents for more information.

    • In provided templates, some of the CSS and JavaScript files under /twigkit/api/static/** had the wrong content type. This prevented some browsers from executing the files properly. This is fixed.

    • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the session cookie used for activity tracking to reset and be incorrectly assigned.

    • Fixed an issue in the RoleBasedAuthorizationFilter that sometimes resulted in a Null Pointer Exception.

    • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented highlighting of multivalue fields.

    • Previously, request signals generated by App Studio did not specify whether a filter was excluded or not (a negative filter). Now, filter metadata represents excluded filters with a - symbol in front of the filter value.

    • Fixed an issue with the <search:box> tag that caused the query term used in the search box to differ from the value of the query associated with the tag.